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Scranton Dump Truck Accident Lawyer

Dump trucks are often needed on construction sites to transport different types of material. There are several different types of dump trucks and they can all cause serious accidents if not operated properly.

When a passenger vehicle is hit by a dump truck, the dump truck typically wins, Dump trucks can weigh more than 25,000 pounds, while the average passenger vehicle is around 3,000 to 4,000 pounds. As you can see, there is a substantial weight difference, which means that the occupants of the passenger vehicle can suffer catastrophic injuries or even death.

If you have been injured, make sure you get the compensation you need to pay for medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering, and other damages. The team at Needle Law Firm can help you file a claim against the negligent parties. Contact a Scranton dump truck accident lawyer to schedule a free consultation. 

Causes of Dump Truck Accidents 

Dump truck accidents can happen in a variety of ways but are often caused by the following:

  • Driver negligence. A driver can be liable for a crash when they operate a dump truck negligently, such as driving drunk, distracted driving, driving while fatigued, speeding, overloading cargo, and operating the truck in a reckless manner. Any negligence or recklessness on the part of the dump truck driver can lead to catastrophic injuries or death. In cases of driver negligence, the trucking company may also be held liable.
  • Construction sites. Construction sites are often close to roadways where passenger vehicles travel. Dump truck drivers have a responsibility to ensure that the environment is safe for motorists. This means that the dump truck does not deposit debris or hazardous materials on the roadways.
  • The cargo in a dump truck can cause a serious accident on the roadways. Cargo may include debris and garbage from the construction site, as well as construction materials and hazardous materials. Unsecured cargo can spill onto the roadway and cause a serious accident.
  • Regular maintenance is a necessity with all vehicles, and dump trucks are no exception. If a construction company uses a dump truck, they have an obligation to maintain it as needed. If an accident happens due to a lack of maintenance, such as brake failure or a tire blowout, the construction company will likely be liable.
  • Manufacturing defect. In some cases, a dump truck accident may be caused by a manufacturing design or defect. In these cases, the manufacturer may be held liable for selling that defective product under product liability law.

Contact Needle Law Firm Today

Dump trucks are heavy vehicles that can often contain cargo. They can cause serious injuries or death in the event of a crash, so you need to understand your legal options.

Have you or a loved one been affected? If so, contact the Scranton dump truck accident lawyers at Needle Law Firm. To schedule a free consultation, call (570) 344-1266 or fill out the online form.

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