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Penn Estates Personal Injury Lawyer

After an accident that resulted in injuries, you can file a claim if someone else’s negligence was to blame. Unfortunately, victims are often reluctant to file a claim for many reasons. Some people may think the process will take too long, or that it is not worthwhile to file a claim. Others may not be familiar with the process and so, they are unsure of what to expect. Below, our Penn Estates personal injury lawyer explains the process so you can be prepared for the process before filing your claim.

Filing the Complaint

All personal injury cases start with the filing of a complaint. Your complaint should include your personal information as well as the party you believe was responsible for the accident, a description of what happened, as well as a detailed description of your injuries. A Penn Estates personal injury lawyer may also include additional information about the liable party and their place of work. The complaint should also include where the accident occurred, as well as the names of anyone else involved.

The Response

Once you have filed your complaint the liable party, known as the defendant, has a certain amount of time to respond. Within the response, the defendant can either agree with the issues in the complaint or deny them. If the defendant does not respond to the complaint, you may be able to ask the judge for a summary judgment.

The Discovery Process

All personal injury cases involve the discovery process. Discovery is the stage of a lawsuit during which each side can ask the other for certain information. This provides the defense an opportunity to review the evidence you are going to use against them. It also gives you a chance to review the arguments the defense will use to shield them from your claims of liability. Discovery can either be written or oral. For example, you may provide a list of written questions to which the defendant must respond in writing. Or, a deposition may be held during which you and the defendant may be required to answer questions orally under oath.

Settlement Negotiations

Most personal injury cases will involve settlement negotiations between the two parties. Insurance companies and the liable parties they represent do not typically want to offer a fair settlement. It is important to work with a Penn Estates personal injury lawyer who will have the necessary negotiation experience so you receive the full settlement you are entitled to.

The Trial

In rare cases, negotiations do not end with a fair offer and so, the case must go to trial. During a trial, a judge or jury will decide whether the defendant is liable for paying damages and if so, the amount you deserve. Few personal injury cases get to this stage but if yours does, it is essential that you work with an attorney who has trial experience.

Our Personal Injury Lawyers in Penn Estates Can Help You Through the Process

If you have been hurt in an accident caused by another person’s carelessness, it is important that you do not go through the process alone. At Needle Law Firm, our Penn Estates personal injury lawyer can help you through it so you obtain the maximum damages you deserve. Call us today at 570-421-0500 or contact us online to schedule a free consultation.

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