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Scranton Personal Injury Lawyer > Sideswipe Accident

Scranton Sideswipe Accident Lawyer

Driving is an activity that requires significant skill and focus. Even merging into another lane can be a challenging task if there is traffic or confusion about yielding. Plus, there are often blind spots to consider.

This can lead to a sideswipe accident. A sideswipe accident is a crash between two vehicles that are traveling in the same direction. The right side of one vehicle hits the left side of the other. These crashes tend to occur when one vehicle moves out of its lane when it is unsafe to do so.

These accidents can be more dangerous than you may think, since they occur without warning and can happen at high speeds. When the driver is unprepared, it can lead to loss of control, which can then cause chain reaction crashes. If you have been a victim, contact Needle Law Firm for legal help. Our Scranton sideswipe accident lawyers can help determine liability and resolve your case with ease.

Common Ways in Which Sideswipe Accidents Occur

Sideswipe crashes can happen in the following ways:

  • Changing lanes. Drivers need to look carefully before changing lanes. They should not be relying on their mirrors. They should turn their head and check blind spots as well. Most modern cars have various safety features such as collision warnings, lane-drift assist warnings, and automatic braking to help prevent sideswipe crashes.
  • Parked cars. Some parts of Pennsylvania have limited parking. With street parking the norm in many areas, cars have a high risk of getting sideswiped. This is particularly the case down narrow streets. Distracted drivers can also sideswipe a parked car. By parking as close to the curb as possible and making sure you are within the lines of a designated parking spot, it will be clear that the other driver was at fault.
  • Merging onto the highway or other road. Pennsylvania has many highways, state routes, and other busy thoroughfares. Sometimes the merging areas are very short and must be navigated quickly. This can be challenging on busy roads, where traffic is heavy and drivers may be reluctant to let you in. This is why you need to be careful when merging. Be patient and allow plenty of space between your car and other vehicles. If you get too aggressive and try to force your way in, you could be at fault for causing a sideswipe accident. Keep in mind that the car that is already established in the lane of traffic has the right of way.

Contact Needle Law Firm Today

Sideswipe accidents can cause a lot of damage to vehicles. At high speeds, they can also cause significant injuries to occupants of vehicles.

Sideswipe accidents are not always seen as major crashes. Get the legal help you need from the Scranton sideswipe accident lawyers at Needle Law Firm. Let us get you the compensation you deserve. Schedule a free consultation today by calling our office at (570) 344-1266 or filling out the online form.

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