Category Archives: Product Liability

Can You File a Zantac (Ranitidine) Lawsuit if You Have Cancer?
In April 2020, the Food and Drug Administration issued an immediate request to remove all ranitidine medications, including Zantac, from the market. The FDA’s recall came after researchers had found that ranitidine drugs contain dangerous ingredients that increase the risks of cancer. If you have been diagnosed with cancer after taking Zantac or other… Read More »

Product Liability and Personal Injury
A significant percentage of all personal injury cases in the U.S. involve some type of defective product, whether it be an automobile or another device. While many of these cases are decided under negligence theory or another type of tort law, another potential option for you might be product liability. If a product is… Read More »
Third Circuit Court of Appeals Case Reviews Medical Proof Necessary to File a Claim for Diet Drug Benefits
Under Pennsylvania law, a manufacturer or supplier is liable for any harm caused by a defect, if the defect was a substantial factor in bringing about the harm. The product is defective if it lacks any element necessary that would make it safe for intended use, which includes reasonably foreseeable use or misuse of… Read More »
Understanding Pennsylvania Personal Injury Law Dealing with Multi-Vehicle Accidents
Severe weather has hit Pennsylvania this winter, and drivers are at risk for serious car accidents that can result in fatalities and catastrophic injuries. With injuries that are so extreme, the costs of medical care and missed wages from being off work can add up quickly. In a multi-vehicle pile-up, like one that occurred… Read More »
Supreme Court of Pennsylvania Considers Whether to Adopt Different Legal Standards for Strict Liability
When injuries occur because of faulty products, it can initially be difficult to realize that a defective product was the cause, and that the manufacturer or seller of the product should be held responsible. Pennsylvania law is controlled by Section 402A of the Restatement 2d of Torts, which states that a seller of a… Read More »
Superior Court Affirms $10 Million Award to Severely Injured Child
If you’ve been injured by a product in in Pennsylvania, you may be able to recover damages from the manufacturer or distributor of the product. You need to either show the product was defectively manufactured in a way that made it unreasonably dangerous to consumers, even when it was used correctly, or if the… Read More »