Category Archives: COVID-19

COVID-19: Pennsylvania Grants Civil Immunity to Healthcare Providers and Nursing Homes
Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf has provided legal protection to medical professionals and healthcare practitioners against liability for good faith actions during the coronavirus pandemic. The governor signed an executive order providing civil immunity to professionals in hospitals and nursing homes in Pennsylvania. The executive order is intended to supplement Pennsylvania’s disaster declaration, which suspended… Read More »

Pennsylvania Suspends On-Site Inspection in Nursing Homes During the COVID-19 Pandemic
As coronavirus-related deaths increase across Pennsylvania, nursing homes in the state have less state and federal oversight. In fact, even facilities cited repeatedly for failing to protect their residents against infections and communicable diseases are not being inspected during the coronavirus pandemic. With restrictions on visitation from family members, nursing home residents are more… Read More »

Coronavirus (COVID-19): It’s Time to Update Your Estate Plan (or Create One)
The coronavirus pandemic has forced everyone to think about what would happen to them if they contracted COVID-19. Is your health strong enough to show no coronavirus symptoms even if you become infected? Or do you have any underlying health conditions that put you at greater risk of complications from COVID-19? Either way, during… Read More »

Nurses Detail a Scranton Hospital’s ‘Carelessness’ That Exposed Patients to COVID-19
Scranton hospital made national headlines after The Washington Post published an article detailing the experiences of nurses and other employees during the COVID-19 pandemic. The medical professional spoke on condition of anonymity for fear of retribution. The hospital’s alleged carelessness could have exposed healthy patients to the coronavirus disease. The nurses recalled being sent… Read More »