Monthly Archives: July 2023

Preventing Falls Among Pennsylvania’s Elderly
Falls are the leading cause of injury among elderly Pennsylvanians, and these accidents can cause both fatal and non-fatal consequences. As falls continue to rise among seniors in the Keystone State, the entire community must do its part to prevent and reduce these incidents as much as possible. By following a few steps and… Read More »

Radiologist In Pennsylvania Faces Legal Action For Unnecessary Procedures
Medicine can be an extremely lucrative industry. In fact, the potential profits can be so high that many doctors disregard the actual well-being of their patients and simply try to rake in as much cash as possible. This is why doctors are required to swear Hippocratic oaths to “do no harm” and only act… Read More »

Suing After A DUI Crash In Pennsylvania
It goes without saying that DUI victims have every right to sue. After all, their injuries were caused by someone else’s clear negligence, and they shouldn’t have to pay for their medical expenses, missed wages, and other damages out of their own pocket. But how easy is it to sue? What do you need… Read More »

Pennsylvania Could Ban Using A Cellphone While Driving
Currently, Pennsylvania’s cell phone driving laws are a little convoluted. You can talk on the phone – either with a handheld device or a hands-free system – but you can’t text. This makes sense to a certain degree, especially when you consider the fact that looking down at your screen is much more distracting… Read More »