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When Can You Sue A Restaurant In Pennsylvania?


There are many reasons why you might be able to sue a restaurant in Pennsylvania. Generally speaking, the owners of these establishments have a duty to protect their patrons or any other member of the public who might be on their property. There are many types of accidents and mishaps that could happen at a restaurant, and so the potential for different types of lawsuits is virtually endless. As long as you can prove that the restaurant’s negligence led directly to your injuries, you can file a lawsuit against them.

With all that said, you’ll need the assistance of a qualified, experienced personal injury attorney if you want to successfully sue a restaurant in Pennsylvania. These legal professionals can help you hold negligent parties accountable, and they can make sure that you receive a fair, adequate settlement for your damages. This settlement can provide you with the necessary funds to cover your medical expenses, missed wages, and any other damages you might have incurred.

Slips and Falls 

One of the most common types of lawsuits that restaurants face is a slip and fall lawsuit. This is when a member of the public slips and falls on the premises of the restaurant, causing injuries. If you slip and fall in a restaurant and suffer injuries, you may be able to sue them. Restaurant staff have a legal obligation to clean up any potential walking hazard.

This includes debris, spills, uneven ground, and anything else that might cause a person to fall over. Note that a slip and fall injury can occur outside of the restaurant as well as inside. For example, you could slip and fall in the parking lot or on a paved walkway. This is common during the winter when ice or snow can cause people to lose their footing.

Food Poisoning 

You can also sue a restaurant for food poisoning, although this isn’t very common. Food poisoning lawsuits are difficult to win for a number of reasons. First of all, it is difficult to link a meal at a restaurant to any illness you might have experienced. The restaurant can simply say that it was a different meal that caused you to get sick, and not the one they served to you. However, these lawsuits can be successful if you save a portion of the food that you believe caused your illness. You can then have these food scraps tested at a lab.

Negligent Security 

In addition, you can sue a restaurant for negligent security. In order to do this, you’ll need to show that the restaurant knew of dangers to the public and did nothing to protect its customers from harm. For example, a restaurant might have been aware of a string of robberies in their parking lot, and yet they hired no security staff to address this issue.

Enlist the Help of a Qualified Attorney Today 

For help from a skilled Scranton personal injury attorney, contact the Needle Law Firm. We have helped numerous injury victims with personal injury lawsuits, including those involving restaurants. These property owners must be held accountable if innocent members of the public are being harmed. Book your consultation today, and we can develop an effective action plan together.


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