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Suing For Lead Exposure In Pennsylvania


Lead is one of the most dangerous neurotoxins known to man. Unfortunately, it is also commonly used in various industrial applications. Lead poses risks to both consumers and workers in Pennsylvania, and lead exposure can potentially lead to lawsuits and workers’ comp claims. Recent developments in the Keystone State show that lead exposure is still a major issue and a source of danger for average residents. But how can you sue if you have been exposed to lead in Pennsylvania?

Verizon Sued in Pennsylvania for Using Toxic Cables 

On August 2nd of 2023, Verizon was sued in a Pennsylvania federal court for allegedly using lead-wrapped cables. A Wall Street Journal exposed the use of these toxic materials and pointed out that the entire nation was essentially covered in lead-wrapped cables left behind by telecommunications companies like Verizon and AT&T. At no point did these companies warn the general public about the health risks associated with lead exposure.

Wall Street Journal investigative reporters found evidence of soil contamination – often in places such as public parks and playgrounds. These reporters later wrote: “For many years, telecom companies have known about the lead-covered cables and the potential risks of exposure to their workers, according to documents and interviews with former employees. They were also aware that lead was potentially leaching into the environment, but haven’t meaningfully acted on potential health risks to the surrounding communities or made efforts to monitor the cables.”

These new lawsuits may require Verizon to pay for any medical costs incurred by those who suffered lead poisoning as a result of their actions. However, it may be difficult to prove  conclusive link between the lead cables and the resulting lead poisoning. That being said, doctors are quick to note that “there is no safe level of lead exposure.” Pennsylvania Partnerships for Children reports that about 9,000 children suffer from lead poisoning each year in the Keystone State. There is also a clear link between early lead exposure and behavioral problems, which means that children exposed to lead are more likely to engage in criminal activity. Some workers are especially at-risk for lead poisoning, including those who work in the battery manufacturing industry.

What Are the Health Risks Associated with Lead Exposure? 

Lead is a neurotoxin, which means that it primarily affects the brain and central nervous system. As previously noted, lead exposure can lead to behavioral problems and mental health issues. At high concentrations, lead exposure can cause more immediate issues, such as comas, convulsions, and death.

Where Can I Find a Qualified, Experienced Personal Injury Attorney in Pennsylvania? 

If you’ve been searching for a qualified, experienced Scranton personal injury attorney, look no further than the Needle Law Firm. With our assistance, you can strive for positive outcomes and pursue compensation for your various damages. These damages may include emotional distress, missed wages, and medical costs. Book your consultation today to discuss your unique situation and get started with an effective action plan.


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