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What To Do If Your Teenager Is In A Car Accident


As a parent, you hope that you never receive the dreaded call that your teenager has been in a car accident. One-fifth of all first-year drivers will be involved in a car accident. After you learn that your teen is not seriously injured, you may become calmer and wonder what your next steps should be. The next moments to the next few weeks can play a crucial role, not only in the outcome of the car accident but in how your teenager learns to handle challenges and adversity.

Drive to the Scene of the Car Accident

If you are able to get to the scene of the car accident, do so as soon as possible. This will help your teenager feel safer and help determine that they truly have no injuries. Your teenager is likely in a state of shock and unable to understand how the process after an accident should occur. Make sure to tell your teenager to only speak with the police officer and not the other driver or passengers in the other car. Try to let your teenager know that he should not accept responsibility for the car accident even if it was his fault. Additionally, tell your teenager he should not visit with the other driver’s insurance company. While you are at the scene of the accident attempt to determine how the actual collision occurred, which may prove useful later when dealing with insurance companies. Always ensure that your teenager seeks medical attention immediately if necessary.

Involve Your Teen In the Insurance Process

Attempt to involve your teenager in the process of phone calls with your insurance company, car repairs, documentation of medical visits or procedures, and even meetings with an attorney. This can be a substantial moment for your teenager to assume responsibility and understand how to handle documents, talk to your insurance adjuster, learn how insurance settlements work, whether or not a car should be totaled or repaired, and how to behave in an adult manner. The aftermath of a car accident is one that can involve substantially complex legal matters and dozens of decisions. Having your teen participate in this process will help them feel significant and ensure that they learn a life lesson about adversity and facing new challenges.

Back In the Driver’s Seat

Try to encourage your teenager to slowly start driving again, to help build his confidence. Try to understand that your teenager may feel anxious and worried. Also, make sure that your fear of your teenager getting into another car accident does not spill over and cause him to be even more fearful. If your teen seems terrified to get back in the driver’s seat, consider seeking counseling for them during this time.

In some cases, having your teen rebuild his confidence can include you driving in the car with him, or having him take additional driving lessons.

Let Us Help You Today

If your teenager was in a car accident, you may have to help them navigate their insurance company, any medical appointments, bills, lost time at work, and unfortunately pain and suffering in some cases. Consider visiting with one of our experienced Scranton auto accident attorneys to help you through this difficult and challenging time. Contact the Needle Law Firm at 570-344-1266 or online today for your free consultation and to help determine the next best steps for you and your teenage driver.


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