Chuck E. Cheese Sued After Pennsylvania Child Injured

Many parents visit restaurants that cater towards children for obvious reasons. These restaurants might be more entertaining to children, or they might have special meals that children find more appetizing. But what happens when a child-friendly establishment ends up injuring your children? In this situation, you might have no option but to sue – and that’s exactly what the parents of a Pennsylvania child are doing after their young one was hurt at Chuck E. Cheese.
Malfunctioning Chuck E. Cheese Ticket Machine Injures Child
On December 20th of 2022, it was reported that a young girl had been injured at a Chuck E. Cheese location after her hair had become caught in a ticket machine. As a result, a number of defendants are now being sued by the parents – including Deltronic Labs and Chuck E. Cheese. The lawsuit argues that the ticket machine should have the ability to recognize foreign objects (such as hair) or some kind of emergency shut off system.
The incident occurred when the girl attempted to redeem prize tickets by feeding them into the machine – known as the “Mr. Munch” machine. At some point, her hair became entangled in the machinery, causing her to be pulled forward. She then struck her head multiple times and suffered a concussion. Finally, onlookers were able to tilt the machine on its edge in order to unplug it. But the girl was still caught in the machine, and her hair had to be cut in order to free her.
The family claims that this girl has suffered continuous neck spasms and ongoing pain in her back as a result of this incident. This traumatic event and the lasting pain have allegedly caused her to struggle with her academic work at school.
This is not the first time either Deltronic Labs or Chuck E. Cheese has been sued for injuries. People have been caught in this machinery on at least two previous occasions – once in 2017 and once in 2020. On both occasions, victims’ hair was caught in the machinery. Because of these continued issues, plaintiffs are calling for Chuck E. Cheese to install some kind of warning sign next to the machine that warns people of the risks – especially when it comes to loose hair. On another occasion in 2019, an arcade game fell on a boy at a Chuck E. Cheese location and caused serious injuries. Based on this pattern of injuries, the chances of further injuries at these establishments seem relatively high.
Where Can I Find a Qualified Personal Injury Attorney in Pennsylvania?
If you’ve been searching for a qualified, experienced Scranton personal injury attorney, look no further than the Needle Law Firm. Over the years, we have helped numerous injured victims throughout the Keystone State. We know how dangerous restaurants and other establishments can be, and we can help you hold them accountable for any injuries they might have caused. Book your consultation today and get started with an effective action plan.