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Scranton Personal Injury Lawyer > Blog > Personal Injury > Could Increased Extreme Weather Increase the Danger of Slips and Falls in Pennsylvania?

Could Increased Extreme Weather Increase the Danger of Slips and Falls in Pennsylvania?


Slips and falls represent one of the greatest health risks to the population of Pennsylvania, especially for our valued elderly population. A seemingly innocuous slip can result in a wide range of health concerns, including fractured bones and head injuries. These injuries can result in significant complications, such as infections, brain damage, and even death.

As life expectancy increases and our elderly population grows as a result, it goes without saying that slips and falls will become even more prevalent in Pennsylvania. But our growing elderly population isn’t the only factor that will impact slips and falls. According to a new study, there is a clear correlation between adverse weather and slips and falls. As the weather continues to become more extreme and unpredictable, we may see an exponentially increasing number of these injuries in the future.

If you have been injured by a slip and fall in the Keystone State, reach out to a qualified, experienced personal injury attorney as soon as possible. These legal professionals can hold at-fault parties accountable for your injuries, and you can recover compensation. This compensation may prove vital as you pay for your medical expenses and deal with lost wages as a result of your injuries. With a skilled attorney by your side, you can approach this situation with confidence.

What Do the Statistics Say?

Hip fractures can be especially problematic for those who have suffered a slip and fall, and it is the leading cause of death in relation to slips and falls. In 2005 alone, more than 15,000 people over the age of 65 died as a result of a slip and fall. Only 7,000 died from a slip and fall just a decade prior.

The Connection Between Adverse Weather and Slips and Falls

A 2017 study found that there is a strong correlation between slips and falls and adverse weather. The Philadelphia Department of Public Health examined the connection between inclement winter weather events and increased fall-related emergency hospital visits over a 5-year period.

The study identified a serious lack of public safety awareness when it comes to the danger of slippery sidewalks and surfaces. While there is plenty of education about the risk of hypothermia and automobile safety during extreme winter weather, little is said about preventing falls on icy surfaces. The study called for more time to allow for proper snow removal and potential road closures if necessary. As extreme weather continues to rise, these issues will only become more prevalent.

Enlist the Help of a Qualified Attorney Today

If you need legal assistance, contact the Northern Pennsylvania personal injury attorneys at the Needle Law Firm. We have dealt with many personal injury claims in the past, and we’re used to fighting for the rights of injury victims. A property owner should be aware of the safety hazards posed by adverse weather. If he fails to provide you with a safe environment, you are well within your rights to take legal action. Reach out today, and we can develop an action plan together.



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