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Suing Nursing Homes For Bedsores In Pennsylvania


Bedsores are some of the most obvious signs of neglect in nursing homes. Elder individuals only really suffer these injuries when they are bedridden for extended periods of time without being checked on. If your senior has suffered bedsores at their nursing home, there’s a strong chance that nursing home staff were negligent. Often, bedsores can result in terrible infections. In some cases, these injuries can even lead to fatal complications. So how can you hold these negligent nursing homes accountable? Is it possible to sue them?

The answer is yes – it is possible to hold these negligent nursing homes liable for the damages they have caused. However, you’ll need to get in touch with an injury attorney to get started – preferably someone who has experience with elder law. These legal professionals can assess your unique situation during a consultation and determine the best course of action.

What Are Bedsores? 

Also known as “pressure ulcers,” bedsores develop when seniors are unable to change position when sitting in a chair or lying in a bed for a prolonged period of time. These injuries can develop within the space of just a few hours. Seniors are especially vulnerable – not just to the injuries to themselves but also the complications that follow. Infections can prove fatal in some situations. Those who use wheelchairs often suffer bedsores. Sometimes, bedsores can be so deep and severe that they affect not only the skin tissue, but also the underlying muscles and bones.

Suing for Bedsores 

In order to sue a nursing home for bedsores, you will need to prove negligence. There are four elements of negligence you need to consider in this scenario:

  • Duty of Care
  • Breach of Duty
  • Causation
  • Injuries 

Essentially, you’ll need to show that the nursing home was aware of certain issues or should have been aware of certain issues that had the potential to lead to bedsores. The goal is to show that the nursing home failed to provide a reasonable amount of care to the seniors under its supervision.

It is often difficult to prove that negligence has indeed occurred. For example, how will you prove how often staff moved your senior into a new position in their bed – if at all? While this process is challenging, it’s certainly not important – especially if you work with a qualified, experienced attorney.

Filing a Wrongful Death Lawsuit 

If your senior has passed away due to an infected bedsore, you can pursue a wrongful death lawsuit. This can provide surviving family members with compensation to cover emotional distress, medical expenses, funeral expenses, and much more.

Enlist the Help of a Qualified Attorney Today

For help from a skilled Scranton personal injury attorney, look no further than Needle Law Firm. With our assistance, you can strive for the best possible results and hold negligent nursing homes accountable for all of the damage they have caused your family. Due to the statute of limitations, it’s best to get started as soon as possible. Reach out today and book your consultation.


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